Thursday, February 14, 2013

Window Shopping

reflections plural of re·flec·tion (Noun)

1. The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it.
2. An amount of light, heat, or sound that is thrown back in such a way.




The objective of this project was to use the reflections in the shops window glass as a component of the composition. Using a Leica M9 with a 35mm Summicron lens enabled me to shoot quickly as objects were becoming visible in the reflections. I am using this technique to add dimension and depth from both the front of the camera as well as behind it.

This "Window Shopping" was done in Carmel California, where the shop owners are creative as well as being very "Art" savvy. The wine is excellent too!

Leica M9 35mm Summicron
@ 2013 Photo Pro - Jeffrey P. Hopp

1 comment:

  1. I have spent my morning sipping coffee and reflecting on your latest blog posts. I would like to share my observations and how your images spoke to me.

    1. The color white really balances the piece allowing my eyes to scan from left to right, top to bottom delighting in the experience of absorbing the warm coral and yellow palette; the texture, richness and softness of the tasseled fabric along with the subject matter of each piece of art; earth, water, fiery sunset all in a calming sequence - the message to me "heaven on earth".

    2. The first thing I notice is the light on each piece of artwork highlighting trees and then instantly see the shadowed leafy reflection in the glass; as my sight travels from right to left the framed art framed by the window pane excites my heart as my mind is transported to a sleepy marina with a seaside village awakening to dawn.

    3. The awning from visible back to reflectory front truly supports this piece; I love how the curve of the awning seems to also support the dancer's torso perfectly as she "swims" within the beat of the music; the matched tones of painting, chandelier and flowers give this piece such a unified look and draws my eye top to bottom noticing the matching shapes of chandelier and table candle holder - I want to enter this space, touch the wood, sway to the beat of life and drink in the moment.

    4. Faces! Portrait and labels of famous mingled with strangers emanating from green and yellow reflections and banners outside to the flags inside indicating the many connections to each other through heritage, time and place as other lives pass fleeting by in the background.

    5. Colorfully crooked and captured. I can feel the ridges, smell the oil and feel the tilt from the weight of the paint as light crashes into dark.

    6. The reflected arches give the interior a soft, medieval feel portraying echoes of the past replayed in the present - old world meets new, with the inside displaying outside sensibilities - a true blurring of boundaries. Joyful!

    7. As I'm peeking into the space the red arrow gives direction to turn my mind around and find meaning to perhaps a different perspective. It's not all about looking inward; look high as well as low - keep myself open to all possibilities.
