Calm, Peaceful, and Untroubled: "An Oasis of Serenity"

The Impressionists found that they could capture the momentary and transient effects of sunlight by painting en plein air. ( French expression which means "in the open air.") They portrayed overall visual effects instead of details, and used short "broken" brush strokes of mixed and pure unmixed colour—not blended smoothly or shaded, as was customary—to achieve an effect of intense colour vibration.
Here, I've employed the use of mixed media to create the effect of a photograph inside of an impressionistic painting. I find that pre-visualization really inspires some very interesting imagery. Creating photographs that include 'the experience' is quite rewarding.
Tools used in this session are a Leica M9 camera with a 35mm Summicron lens. Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, and the plugin Pixelbender.
@ 2014 Photo Pro - Jeffrey P. Hopp
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