Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Of Time, Long Past

The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time
It is a mystery what we call Time: 
A little space of day which turns to night; 
A little span of sorrow and delight: 
Of tearful dirges and of joy-bells’ chime.
And yet its calm, slow-moving, noiseless feet
Can lead to glory-even thru defeat, 
Enclose the wicked within their self-made bars, 
And lift God-fearing souls beyond the stars! 
O but foolish, blind, ungrateful souls are they
That, heedless, see no gift in each new day.

(Based on “A Jubilee Ode” by Mary Elizabeth Blake)

Leica M9 35mm Summicron
@ 2014 Photo Pro - Jeffrey P. Hopp

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