Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Leica Akadamie - Las Vegas - 1

Part 1
Having recently attended the Leica Akadamie weekend in Las Vegas, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend an afternoon photographing people on Freemont Street. On loan to me was the Leica 21mm f 1.4 Summilux lens. Probably not the first choice focal length for such a project, but it did yield some interesting results. Getting close to the subject is difficult if you are trying not to be noticed. This lens offers a large depth of field but I shot most everything near wide open. Had to do a lot of cropping but the images hold up extremely well with the M9's full frame sensor. There were 22 of us in the same location, with the same light, and environment, but each ones interpretations were, many times, quite different than my own. What a wonderful way to learn more about photography, even if you've been in the business for over 30 years. If you have an opportunity to attend a Leica Akadamie event, I highly recommend that you do.

ISO-400 1/125th sec @ f 2.0
ISO-400 1/125th sec @ f 1.7

ISO-400 1/125th sec @ f 3.4

ISO-400 1/125th sec @ f 2.8

ISO-400 1/125th sec @ f 2.4

ISO-160 1/250th sec @ f 1.4

ISO-400 1/125th sec @ f 3.4

ISO-400 1/60th sec @ f 6.7

ISO-400 1/60th sec @ f 4.8

ISO-400 1/125th sec @ f 2.8

Leica M9 with 21mm Summicron Lens
@ 2012 Photo Pro - Jeffrey P. Hopp

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