Thursday, March 8, 2012

Leica Akadamie - Las Vegas - 2

Part 2 - Color
More images from the Leica Akadamie weekend.
Color renderings that depict the daily river of people as they navigate the Las Vegas strip.

ISO-400 1/60sec f 4.8 21mm Summilux

ISO-200 1/45sec f 2.4 50mm Summicron

ISO-200 1/3000sec f 4.8 50mm Summicron

ISO-160 1/350sec f 1.4 21mm Summilux

ISO-160 1/250sec f 2.0 21mm Summilux

ISO-400 1/60sec f 2.4 21mm Summilux

ISO-200 1/3000sec f 4.8 50mm Summicron

ISO-200 1/3000sec f 4.8  21mm Summilux

ISO-160 1/180sec f 2.4  21mm Summilux

@ 2012 Photo Pro - Jeffrey P. Hopp

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